When to marry is an important and exciting question for many couples. But the timing of divorce, especially late-in-life divorce is often of greater consequence. According to the ABS, Australians are getting married later and staying married for longer. So, it is...Read More
Social media has changed the way we communicate and is an integral part of how people connect in today’s culture. The use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Snapchat and other social networking sites and smartphone applications is second nature for...Read More
After over 30 years as a family lawyer representing clients in family breakdowns and disputes, I’ve heard and continue to hear many reasons for divorce. “We grew apart”, “We fell out of love”, “The spark is gone”, or “He/she cheated on me”. My role and obligation as a...Read More
During a marriage, many couples come to share most aspects of their life with their partners, such as children, finances, and possessions. And for some married couples, they also share in the ownership or operation of a business or commercial venture. While balancing...Read More
As a family lawyer, one wouldn’t be blamed for thinking that I only ever suggest that divorce is the right choice. I’ve seen my fair share of positive and negative divorce outcomes during my 35 years in practice, but no matter the outcome rarely is the journey through...Read More
Most people embroiled in family law disputes want to settle matters out of court, and with good reason. Court proceedings for family law disputes are notoriously long, complex, time-consuming and extremely stressful. And more often than not, very costly. It probably...Read More