Following a separation, parents do not have to go to court about the care arrangements for their children. As a matter of principle, we encourage our clients to reach an agreement, if possible, without the need to resort to the Family Law courts. One advantage in...Read More
Following the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship, it is common for separated parties to be unsure and therefore anxious about their entitlements in a property settlement and the assets they are likely to retain. This is only natural given that Family Law...Read More
Once a couple is separated, their superannuation (Super) is treated as property under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (FLA) and the value of the couples’ Super benefits will be taken into account when determining a property settlement. Super is held in trust and differs...Read More
Many couples separate on good terms, which is great. The breakdown of a relationship can be difficult, however putting differences aside to move forward can be beneficial, particularly where children are concerned. Ex-partners who remain on good terms may choose to...Read More
Most people know someone who has been affected by a family breakup. It is usually a very stressful and emotional time where people are anxious about the divorce, the property settlement and the emotional wellbeing and care arrangements for children. Unfortunately this...Read More
A financial agreement is a contract that deals with the division of a couple’s assets after they separate, or in the event that they separate. They may be made before or during a marriage or de-facto relationship, or after it breaks down. Financial agreements...Read More
Family law proceedings can become very stressful. The last thing you should be worrying about is exorbitant legal fees. However, your family law fees do not necessarily have to become a burden. We have provided our top 10 tips on ways in which you can keep your legal...Read More
Most property settlements are reached through negotiation, without the need to attend Court. Negotiations can be formally documented through a binding financial agreement or consent orders. As a last resort, the parties may need to initiate Court proceedings whereby...Read More
When to marry is an important and exciting question for many couples. But the timing of divorce, especially late-in-life divorce is often of greater consequence. According to the ABS, Australians are getting married later and staying married for longer. So, it is...Read More
Social media has changed the way we communicate and is an integral part of how people connect in today’s culture. The use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Snapchat and other social networking sites and smartphone applications is second nature for...Read More