After over 30 years as a family lawyer representing clients in family breakdowns and disputes, I’ve heard and continue to hear many reasons for divorce. “We grew apart”, “We fell out of love”, “The spark is gone”, or “He/she cheated on me”. My role and obligation as a...Read More
If spring is the season to wed, research suggests summer is the season to separate. But does it need to be? A US study found that the national divorce-filing rate goes up in March and August of each year. In Australia, the peak period for separation is in February and...Read More
Marriage preparation or beginning a new defacto relationship can be a wonderful and exciting time, with much to plan and prepare. But there are important things to consider. There are bound to be new financial responsibilities and obligations, particularly if you are...Read More
Following a separation, should there be shared parenting with children spending equal time with both parents? Until quite recently, shared parenting was uncommon. Up ‘til 2006, only about four percent of parents got equal time with their children. But following 2006...Read More
Many parents involved in a family dispute worry about the impact of separation on their children. Have they done the right thing? How can they best help their children? In most cases, they need not worry so much. In fact, experts tend to agree it’s a myth that...Read More