How to Find Parental Peace at Christmas

Christmas day arrangements are challenging enough for a family with both parents under the one roof. But for parents who are separated and have children living in different households, organising Christmas day and getting just the right presents for their children can...Read More

Favouring Mum or Dad

When parents separate, children often face a dilemma. Who do they side with? Do they favour one parent over another? Fortunately in most cases, the children work through the issues with their separating parents and remain on good terms with both– though it may take a...Read More

Moving Away with the Children

Following a separation, where there are children involved, it helps if both parents live fairly close to each other, so that they can both maintain contact and communication with their children and transport is not too much of a problem. But what happens to the...Read More

What if a Parent Refuses Access?

What happens if the Family Law Court grants a parent access to their kids after a separation, but the other parent refuses to comply? It doesn’t happen often – sensible parents respect and abide by the Court’s orders, because they recognize that by failing to do...Read More

Better Protection for Children After Separation

Emotional abuse and violence can occur in up to a third of relationships. It’s often a major factor in a relationship breakdown – and it has a severe impact on the wellbeing of any children in the relationship, both before and after the breakup. But now, thanks...Read More