After their parents separate, should children have a say in what happens to them? The reality is that historically, in Australia, parents have tended to believe they can work out the arrangements without their children’s direct involvement. It is true that most...Read More
Most separating couples are able to resolve their Family Law disputes effectively. But for some, their family law dispute becomes an ongoing saga of conflict and expense which embitters relationships, undermines children’s welfare and everyone’s prospects of future...Read More
Separation is difficult enough for the parties involved. What can make it even harder is a long, drawn out process – especially if lawyers and courts are involved. It’s all too often expensive, stressful and time-consuming. Here’s where something called...Read More
The process of separation and divorce for some couples involves bitter, prolonged and costly disputes. But with mediation, it doesn’t have to be this way. Mediation is a structured alternative dispute resolution process whereby parties meet together and attempt to...Read More